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40.11 System-Specific X11 Keysyms

To define system-specific X11 keysyms, set the variable system-key-alist.

Variable: system-key-alist
This variable's value should be an alist with one element for each system-specific keysym. Each element has the form (code . symbol), where code is the numeric keysym code (not including the "vendor specific" bit, -2**28), and symbol is the name for the function key.

For example (168 . mute-acute) defines a system-specific key (used by HP X servers) whose numeric code is -2**28 + 168.

It is not crucial to exclude from the alist the keysyms of other X servers; those do no harm, as long as they don't conflict with the ones used by the X server actually in use.

The variable is always local to the current terminal, and cannot be buffer-local. See section 29.2 Multiple Displays.

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