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   AddClasses  = ( list of identifiers ) 

The AddClasses directive is used to define a list of class attributes for the current host. Normally only the hard classes defined by the system are `true' for a given host. It is convenient though to be able to define classes of your own to label certain actions, mainly so that they can later be excluded so as to cut short or filter out certain actions. This can be done in two ways. See section actionsequence.

To define a list of classes for the current session, you write:

AddClasses = ( exclude shortversion )

This is equivalent to (though more permanent than) defining classes on the command line with the -D option. You can now use these to qualify actions. For example


Under normal circumstances exclude is always true -- because you have defined it to be so, but you can undefine it in two ways so as to prevent the action from being carried out. One way is to undefine a class on the command line when you invoke cfengine:

host#  cfengine -N exclude


host#  cfengine -N exclude.shortversion

host#  cfengine -N a.b.c.d

These commands run cfengine with the named classes undefined. That means that actions labelled with these classes are excluded during that run.

Another way to restrict classes is to add a list of classes to be undefined in the actionsequence. See next section.

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