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Invoking mail.local

The program uses following option groups: See mailbox, See auth, See logging, See sieve.

-f addr
--from addr
Specify the sender's name. This option forces mail.local to add From envelope to the beginning of the message. If it is not specified, mail.local first looks into the first line from the standard input. If it starts with From , it is assumed to contain a valid envelope. If it does not, mail.local creates the envelope by using current user name and date.
Display this help and exit.
Display GNU General Public License and exit.
-m path
--mail-spool path
Specify path to mailspool directory.
--quota-db file
Specify path to mailbox quota database (see Mailbox Quotas).
-s pattern
--source pattern
Set name pattern for user-defined mail filters written in Scheme (see Scheme Filters). The metacharacters %u and %h in the pattern are expanded to the current recipient user name and home directory correspondingly.

This option is available only if the package has been configured to use Guile extension language.

-S pattern
--sieve pattern
Set name pattern for user-defined mail filters written is Sieve (see Sieve Filters). The metacharacters %u and %h in the pattern are expanded to the current recipient user name and home directory correspondingly.
-t number
--timeout number
Wait number seconds for acquiring the lockfile. If it doesn't become available after that amount of time, return failure. The timeout defaults to 5 minutes.
-x flags
--debug flags
Enable debugging. The debugging information will be output using syslog. The flags is a string consisting of the following flags: Debug flags are:
Start with guile debugging evaluator and backtraces. This is convenient for debugging user-defined filters (see Scheme Filters).
Enable libmailutil traces (MU_DEBUG_TRACE).
Enable network protocol traces (MU_DEBUG_PROT)
Enable sieve trace (MU_SIEVE_DEBUG_TRACE)
Enable sieve action logs

The digits in the range 0 - 9 used in flags set mail.local debugging level.

Display program version and exit.
Don't return errors when delivering to multiple recipients.
Return temporary failure if disk or mailbox quota is exceeded. By default, 'service unavailable' is returned if the message exceeds the mailbox quota.