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The sieve invocation syntax is:

        sieve [options] script

where script denotes the filename of the sieve program to parse, and options is one or more of the following:

Compile script and exit.
Specify debug flags. The flags argument is a sequence of one or more of the following letters:

g Enable main parser traces
T Enable mailutil traces
P Trace network protocols
t Enable sieve trace
i Trace the program instructions

See Logging and Debugging, for detailed discussion of these.

Compile the script, dump disassembled code on standard output and exit.
-e address
--email address
Override the user email address. This is useful for reject and redirect actions. By default, the user email address is deduced from the user name and the full name of the machine where sieve is executed.
Mailbox to sieve (defaults to user's system mailbox)
Keep on going if execution fails on a message
Dry run: do not execute any actions, just print what would be done.
-t ticket
Ticket file for mailbox authentication
Log all actions executed.

Apart from these, sieve understands the options from the following groups: sieve, mailbox, mailer, logging.