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POP3 daemon

The pop3d daemon implements the Post Office Protocol server.

pop3d has two operation modes:

The server is started from /etc/inetd.conf file:
pop3  stream tcp nowait  root  /usr/local/sbin/pop3d pop3d

This is the default operation mode.

The server runs as daemon, forking a child for each new connection. This mode is triggered by -d command line switch.

The program uses following option groups: See mailbox, See daemon, See logging, See auth.

Command line options

Run in standalone mode. An optional number specifies the maximum number of child processes the daemon is allowed to fork. When it is omitted, it defaults to 10 processes. Please note, that there should be no whitespace between the -d and its parameter.
Display short help message and exit.
Run in inetd mode.
-m path
Set path to the mailspool directory
-p number
--port number
Listen on given port number. This option is meaningful only in standalone mode. It defaults to port 110.
-t number
--timeout number
Set idle timeout to given number of seconds. Default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). The daemon breaks the connection if it receives no commands from the client within that number of seconds.
Display program version and exit.