This is, the FTP server of the the GNU project. NOTICE (Updated October 15 2021): If you maintain scripts used to access over FTP, we strongly encourage you to change them to use HTTPS instead. Eventually we hope to shut down FTP protocol access, but plan to give notice here and other places for several months ahead of time. --- Comments, suggestions, problems and complaints should be reported via email to ''. gnu/ Contains GNU programs and documents that we develop for the GNU system (or pointers on where to get the programs, if we don't keep the files here). These are programs that fit the definition of GNU software at: old-gnu/ Older versions of GNU software. non-gnu/ We distribute some non-GNU programs through our FTP server, or provide pointers to where they are. We put these programs/pointers in this directory since they are not developed by the GNU project. They are, of course, part of the GNU system. See: third-party Contains GNU software that has been modified by third parties. We don't necessarily know the specifics of what these modifications do or how these modified versions work. We provide this directory as a service to GNU users who might find these modifications useful. iso Contains bootable CD images (ISO9660) of a development snapshot of the Debian GNU/Hurd complete operating system. ls-lrR.txt.gz The output of `ls -lrR' run from this directory. This can be used to see what files are here. This is a gzip'ed version of the file. find.txt.gz The output of `find .' run from this directory. This can be used to see what files are here. This is a gzip'ed version of the file. tree.json.gz The output of `tree -aJsD --timefmt %s' run from this directory each time it changes. This can be used to see what files are here. The timestamp of this file can be used to see if has been any change to the ftp, and the timestamp of any file to know if it has not changed. This is a gzip'ed version of the file. lpf.README A description of where to find information on the League for Programming Freedom, since this information is not kept here anymore. There are also .sig files, which contain detached GPG signatures of the above files, automatically signed by the same script that generates them. You can verify the signatures for gnu project files with the keyring file from: In a directory with the keyring file, the source file to verify and the signature file, the command to use is: $ gpgv --keyring ./gnu-keyring.gpg foo.tar.xz.sig foo.tar.xz
Name | Last modified | Size | Description | |
CRYPTO.README | 2021-10-15 17:46 | 879 | ||
MISSING-FILES | 2003-10-23 12:57 | 17K | ||
MISSING-FILES.README | 2003-08-13 19:05 | 4.1K | ||
README | 2023-05-23 00:58 | 2.7K | ||
before-2003-08-01.md5sums.asc | 2003-10-23 12:55 | 396K | ||
find.txt.gz | 2025-01-12 11:52 | 247K | ||
gnu+linux-distros/ | 2011-03-10 13:50 | - | ||
gnu/ | 2024-12-31 04:53 | - | ||
ls-lrRt.txt.gz | 2025-01-12 11:52 | 475K | ||
mirrors/ | 2005-04-20 11:23 | - | ||
non-gnu/ | 2010-04-08 20:17 | - | ||
old-gnu/ | 2023-05-08 16:32 | - | ||
pub/ | 2024-11-18 11:23 | - | ||
savannah/ | 2007-11-08 12:46 | - | ||
third-party/ | 2003-08-02 08:01 | - | ||
tmp/ | 2009-04-06 22:48 | - | ||
tree.json.gz | 2025-01-12 11:52 | 561K | ||
video/ | 2013-05-07 17:46 | - | ||
welcome.msg | 2021-10-15 17:47 | 1.1K | ||
This archive is also available by anonymous ftp and rsync, and from mirrors worldwide.