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Portability of C Functions

Most usual functions can either be missing, or be buggy, or be limited on some architectures. This section tries to make an inventory of these portability issues. By definition, this list will always require additions. Please help us keeping it as complete as possible.

The ISO C99 standard says that if the output array isn't big enough and if no other errors occur, snprintf and vsnprintf truncate the output and return the number of bytes that ought to have been produced. Some older systems return the truncated length (e.g., GNU C Library 2.0.x or IRIX 6.5), some a negative value (e.g., earlier GNU C Library versions), and some the buffer length without truncation (e.g., 32-bit Solaris 7). Also, some buggy older systems ignore the length and overrun the buffer (e.g., 64-bit Solaris 7).
The ISO C standard says sprintf and vsprintf return the number of bytes written, but on some old systems (SunOS 4 for instance) they return the buffer pointer instead.
On various old systems, e.g. HP-UX 9, sscanf requires that its input string is writable (though it doesn't actually change it). This can be a problem when using gcc since it normally puts constant strings in read-only memory (see Incompatibilities of GCC). Apparently in some cases even having format strings read-only can be a problem.
AIX 4.3 provides a broken version which produces funny results:
strnlen ("foobar", 0) = 0
strnlen ("foobar", 1) = 3
strnlen ("foobar", 2) = 2
strnlen ("foobar", 3) = 1
strnlen ("foobar", 4) = 0
strnlen ("foobar", 5) = 6
strnlen ("foobar", 6) = 6
strnlen ("foobar", 7) = 6
strnlen ("foobar", 8) = 6
strnlen ("foobar", 9) = 6

The POSIX spec says that unlink causes the given files to be removed only after there are no more open file handles for it. Not all OS's support this behaviour though. So even on systems that provide unlink, you cannot portably assume it is OK to call it on files that are open. For example, on Windows 9x and ME, such a call would fail; on DOS it could even lead to file system corruption, as the file might end up being written to after the OS has removed it.
The ISO C99 standard provides va_copy for copying va_list variables. It may be available in older environments too, though possibly as __va_copy (eg. gcc in strict C89 mode). These can be tested with #ifdef. A fallback to memcpy (&dst, &src, sizeof(va_list)) will give maximum portability.
va_list is not necessarily just a pointer. It can be a struct (eg. gcc on Alpha), which means NULL is not portable. Or it can be an array (eg. gcc in some PowerPC configurations), which means as a function parameter it can be effectively call-by-reference and library routines might modify the value back in the caller (eg. vsnprintf in the GNU C Library 2.1).
Signed >>
Normally the C >> right shift of a signed type replicates the high bit, giving a so-called "arithmetic" shift. But care should be taken since the ISO C standard doesn't require that behaviour. On those few processors without a native arithmetic shift (for instance Cray vector systems) zero bits may be shifted in, the same as a shift of an unsigned type.