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Cfengine script gallery

Here is a gallery of simple-minded scripts to give you ideas for making your own. The absence of explicit testing in cfengine programs also makes these scripts transparent while offering a higher level of checking for no cost to the programmer. Similar shell scripts with this property would be complex indeed.

User scripts for tidying old files

Here is an example script for tidying old files in your own login area. If you want a long diagnostic, add the option -v to the first line of the script, before -f.

#!/usr/local/bin/cfengine -f
# Tidy


   actionsequence =


      $(HOME)        pat=core   r=inf  age=0
      $(HOME)        pat=*~     r=inf  age=1
      $(HOME)        pat=#*     r=inf  age=7
      $(HOME)/code   pat=*.o    r=inf  age=7
      $(HOME)/tex    pat=*.dvi  r=inf  age=7
      $(HOME)/tex    pat=*.log  r=inf  age=7
      $(HOME)/tex    pat=*.aux  r=inf  age=7

      $(HOME)/ftp    pat=*.zip  r=inf  age=7

Controlled opening of files for friends and colleagues

#!/local/gnu/bin/cfengine -f
# Open my shared directory for others in my group


  actionsequence =

  gr = ( myshare )


      $(HOME)       mode=0755 action=fixdirs r=0               
      $(HOME)/share mode=0664 action=fixall  r=inf group=$(gr)

In this example, first your home directory is opened for the world, then all files in the subdirectory share and subdirectories are opened to the group myshare. This script could be made to run from a login/logout script of some kind (either .login or .xsession) so that any new files would automatically be controlled.

Root script for emergency disk clearing

A straightforward script could be used to clear space in cases where the disk hits the overflow level. This script tidies the whole system, not just the affected disk.

#!/local/gnu/bin/cfengine -f
# Emergency tidyup!
# (Users read their cfengine.rm files to see what got deleted!)


site = ( mysite )

mountpattern = ( $(site)/$(host) )
homepattern   = ( u? )

actionsequence =


      home            pattern=core   R=inf   age=0
      home            pattern=*~     R=inf   age=0
      home            pattern=*.dvi  R=inf   age=1
      home            pattern=*.o    R=inf   age=0
      /tmp            pattern=*      R=inf   age=0  # could be risky
      /usr/tmp        pattern=*      R=inf   age=0  #      "



Script for making links

The following script could be used as part of a software installation procedure. Note that the link types can be made relative to the from-link by using type=relative See section links.

#!/tmp/cfengine -v -f
# Simple example script to make links


  actionsequence = ( links )



   /usr/local/bin                  +> /usr/local/lib/soft/bin
   /usr/local/X11/lib/app-defaults +> /usr/local/lib/soft/app-defaults

It makes links from every binary file in the packages `bin' directory to the more standard binary directory /usr/local/bin. This avoids having to place another search directory into the users' path variable. The second statement links the package's application defaults files (for the X-windows system) to a directory in the XAPPLRESDIR search path.

This script provides only one way of making the necessary files available to users. It is not the only solution to the problem.

Ftp server

This script carries out the necessary for setting up a safe anonymous ftp server on a sun workstation running SunOS4.1.

#!/local/gnu/bin/cfengine -f
# Cfengine script to set up an outgoing ftp server under
# SunOS 4.1.*.  Suitable for anonymous access.


 addclasses = ( local global )

 actionsequence =

 ftp_root = ( /oih/saga/local/ftp )   # macro for convenience
 ftp_id   = ( 99 )                    # uid/gid for ftp



 # Note the file /etc/ftpusers can contain a list of users
 # who can NOT use ftp to access files.


 { /etc/passwd

 AppendIfNoSuchLine "ftp:*:$(ftp_id):$(ftp_id): (line continues)
Anonymous ftp:$(ftp_root):/usr/ucb/ftp"

 { /etc/group

 AppendIfNoSuchLine "ftp:*:$(ftp_id):"



  $(ftp_root)           mode=0555 owner=ftp
  $(ftp_root)/pub       mode=0555 owner=ftp
  $(ftp_root)/bin       mode=0555 owner=root
  $(ftp_root)/usr       mode=0555 owner=root
  $(ftp_root)/dev       mode=0555 owner=root
  $(ftp_root)/etc       mode=0555 owner=root
  $(ftp_root)/dev       mode=0555 owner=root
  $(ftp_root)/usr/lib   mode=0555 owner=root



  "/bin/cp /bin/ls $(ftp_root)/bin/ls"
  "/bin/cp /lib/libc.so.1.8* $(ftp_root)/usr/lib"
  "/bin/cp /usr/lib/ld.so  $(ftp_root)/usr/lib"
  "/bin/cp /usr/lib/libdl.so.1.0 $(ftp_root)/usr/lib/libdl.so.1.0"
  "/usr/etc/mknod $(ftp_root)/dev/zero c 3 12 > /dev/null 2>&1"



 $(ftp_root)/bin/ls     mode=111 owner=root action=fixall
 $(ftp_root)/usr/lib    mode=555 owner=root action=fixall r=1
 $(ftp_root)/etc/passwd mode=444 owner=root action=touch
 $(ftp_root)/etc/group  mode=444 owner=root action=touch
 $(ftp_root)/pub        mode=644 owner=root action=fixall




 { $(ftp_root)/etc/passwd

 AppendIfNoSuchLine "ftp:*:$(ftp_id):$(ftp_id): (line continues)
Anonymous ftp:$(ftp_root):/usr/ucb/ftp"

 { $(ftp_root)/etc/group

 AppendIfNoSuchLine "ftp:*:$(ftp_id):"

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