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A filter is a way of selecting or pruning during a search over files or processes. Since filter rules could apply to several objects, cfengine allows you to define filter conditions as separate objects to be applied in different contexts.

Filter objects can be used in copy, editfiles, files, tidy and processes. In most cases one writes

.. filter=<i>filteralias</i>

in the appropriate command. The exception is editfiles, where the syntax is

Filter "filteralias"



 /tmp filter=testfilteralias action=alert r=inf

Filters are defined in a separate section. Filters for files and processes are defined together. They differ only in the criteria they contain. Here is are examples of file filters:


  { filteralias1

  Owner:     "mark|cell|motd"
  Group:     "ecg|mark"
  Mode:      "700"

  FromCtime: "date(2000,1,1,0,0,0)"    # absolute date
  ToCtime:   "now"

  FromMtime: "tminus(1,0,0,2,30,0)"    # relative "ago" from now
  ToMtime:   "inf"                     # end of time

  FromAtime: "date(1997,2,22,0,0,0)"
  ToAtime:   "inf"

  FromSize:  "10000"                   # File size interval
  ToSize:    "10mb"

  ExecRegex: "/usr/bin/file(.*ascii.*)"# Result from "files" command 

  Type:      "dir|link"                # reg|link|dir|socket|fifo|door|char|block

  NameRegex: ".*.asc"                  # regex matching file name

  IsSymLinkTo: "/dev/null"             # True if file is a link to object name regex

  Result:    "Type"                    # Result which shouldbe returned


  { testfilteralias2

  ExecProgram: "/bin/ls $(this)"       # True if the program returns true. $(this) is the current object


  { testfilteralias3

  Owner: "mark"

Filters are evaluated like classes. In fact, the filtering works by evaluating the class attributes for each file.

File filters:

and Group can use numerical id's or names, or "none" for users or groups which are undefined in the system passwd/group file.
Mode: applies only to file objects. It shares syntax with the mode= strings in the files command. This test returns true if the bits which are specified as `should be set' are indeed set, and those which are specified as `should not be set' are not set.
apply only to file objects. These specify ranges From and To. If the file's time stamps lie in the specified range, this returns true. Times are specfied by a six component vector
This may be evaluated as two functions: date() or tminus() which give absolute times and times relative to the current time respectively. In addition, the words now and inf may be used. e.g.
  FromCtime: "date(2000,1,1,0,0,0)"   # absolute date
  ToCtime:   "now"

  FromMtime: "tminus(1,0,0,2,30,0)"     # relative "ago" from now
  ToMtime:   "inf"                     # end of time
applies only to file objects may be a list of file types which are to be matched. The list should be separated by the OR symbol `|', since these types are mutually exclusive. The possible values are currently
matches the test string against the output of the specified command.
matches the name of the file with a regular expression.
applies only when the file object $(this) is a symbolic link. It is true if the regular expression matches the contents of the link.
matches if the command returns successfully (with return code 0). Note that this feature introduces an implicit dependency on the command being called. This might be exploitable as a security weakness by advanced intruders.
specifies the way in which the above elements are combined into a single filter.

Process filters:

process ID (quoted regex)
parent process ID (quoted regex)
process group ID (quoted regex)
resident size (quoted regex)
virtual memory size (quoted regex)
status (quoted regex)
CMD or COMMAND fields (quoted regex)
Total elasped time in TIME field (accumulated time)
Starting time for process in STIME or START field (accumulated time)
terminal type, or none (quoted regex)
PRI or NI field (quoted regex)
NLWP field for SVR4 (quoted regex)
logical combination of above returned by filter (quoted regex)

Examples: processes started between 18th Nov 2000 and now.

  { filteralias

  FromSTime: "date(2000,11,18,0,0,0)"
  ToSTime:   "now"

All processes which have accumulated between 1 and 20 hours of CPU time.

  { filteralias

  FromTTime:  "accumulated(0,0,0,1,0,0)"
  ToTTime:    "accumulated(0,0,0,20,0,0)"

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