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18.1.3 Entering the Debugger on a Function Call

To investigate a problem that happens in the middle of a program, one useful technique is to enter the debugger whenever a certain function is called. You can do this to the function in which the problem occurs, and then step through the function, or you can do this to a function called shortly before the problem, step quickly over the call to that function, and then step through its caller.

Command: debug-on-entry function-name
This function requests function-name to invoke the debugger each time it is called. It works by inserting the form (debug 'debug) into the function definition as the first form.

Any function defined as Lisp code may be set to break on entry, regardless of whether it is interpreted code or compiled code. If the function is a command, it will enter the debugger when called from Lisp and when called interactively (after the reading of the arguments). You can't debug primitive functions (i.e., those written in C) this way.

When debug-on-entry is called interactively, it prompts for function-name in the minibuffer. If the function is already set up to invoke the debugger on entry, debug-on-entry does nothing. debug-on-entry always returns function-name.

Note: if you redefine a function after using debug-on-entry on it, the code to enter the debugger is discarded by the redefinition. In effect, redefining the function cancels the break-on-entry feature for that function.

(defun fact (n)
  (if (zerop n) 1
      (* n (fact (1- n)))))
     => fact
(debug-on-entry 'fact)
     => fact
(fact 3)

------ Buffer: *Backtrace* ------
* fact(3)
  eval-region(4870 4878 t)
  (let ...)
* call-interactively(eval-insert-last-sexp)
------ Buffer: *Backtrace* ------

(symbol-function 'fact)
     => (lambda (n)
          (debug (quote debug))
          (if (zerop n) 1 (* n (fact (1- n)))))

Command: cancel-debug-on-entry function-name
This function undoes the effect of debug-on-entry on function-name. When called interactively, it prompts for function-name in the minibuffer. If function-name is nil or the empty string, it cancels break-on-entry for all functions.

Calling cancel-debug-on-entry does nothing to a function which is not currently set up to break on entry. It always returns function-name.

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