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27. Buffers

A buffer is a Lisp object containing text to be edited. Buffers are used to hold the contents of files that are being visited; there may also be buffers that are not visiting files. While several buffers may exist at one time, only one buffer is designated the current buffer at any time. Most editing commands act on the contents of the current buffer. Each buffer, including the current buffer, may or may not be displayed in any windows.

27.1 Buffer Basics  What is a buffer?
27.2 The Current Buffer  Designating a buffer as current so that primitives will access its contents.
27.3 Buffer Names  Accessing and changing buffer names.
27.4 Buffer File Name  The buffer file name indicates which file is visited.
27.5 Buffer Modification  A buffer is modified if it needs to be saved.
27.6 Comparison of Modification Time  Determining whether the visited file was changed
                         "behind Emacs's back".
27.7 Read-Only Buffers  Modifying text is not allowed in a read-only buffer.
27.8 The Buffer List  How to look at all the existing buffers.
27.9 Creating Buffers  Functions that create buffers.
27.10 Killing Buffers  Buffers exist until explicitly killed.
27.11 Indirect Buffers  An indirect buffer shares text with some other buffer.
27.12 The Buffer Gap  The gap in the buffer.

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