Changes a flag on the partition with number minor. A flag can be
either "on" or "off". Some or all of these flags will be available,
depending on what disk label you are using:
- `boot'
(Mac, MSDOS, PC98) - should be enabled if you want to boot off the
partition. The semantics vary between disk labels. For MSDOS disk
labels, only one partition can be bootable. If you are installing LILO
on a partition (see section 4.1 LILO: a bootloader for the Linux kernel), then that partition must be bootable.
For PC98 disk labels, all ext2 partitions must be bootable (this is
enforced by Parted).
- `lba'
(MSDOS) - this flag can be enabled, to tell MS DOS, MS Windows 9x and
MS Windows ME based operating systems to use Linear (LBA) mode.
- `root'
(Mac) - this flag should be enabled if the partition is the root device
to be used by Linux.
- `swap'
(Mac) - this flag should be enabled if the partition is the swap
device to be used by Linux.
- `hidden'
(MSDOS, PC98) - this flag can be enabled to hide partitions from
Microsoft operating systems.
- `raid'
(MSDOS) - this flag can be enabled to tell linux the partition is a
software RAID partition See section 7. LVM and RAID.
- `LVM'
(MSDOS) - this flag can be enabled to tell linux the partition is a
physical volume.
The print command displays all enabled flags for each partition.
(parted) set 1 boot on
Set the `boot' flag on partition 1.