| Index Entry | Section |
# | | |
| #define | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #elif | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #else | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #endif | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #endshell | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #error | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #if | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #ifdef | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #ifndef | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #include | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #line | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #option | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #shell | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| #undef | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
. | | |
| .def file | 2. AutoGen Definitions File |
| .tpl file | 3. AutoGen Template |
| .tpl, file name | 2.1 The Identification Definition |
A | | |
| allow-errors | 7.3.1 Program Description Attributes |
| Alternate Definition | 2.10 Alternate Definition Forms |
| arg-default | Option Argument Specification |
| arg-optional | Option Argument Specification |
| arg-range | Option Argument Specification |
| arg-type | Option Argument Specification |
| argument | 7.3.1 Program Description Attributes |
| Augmenting AutoGen | 4. Augmenting AutoGen Features |
| AutoEvents | 8.3 Automated Event Management |
| AutoFSM | 8.1 Automated Finite State Machine |
| autogen invocation | 5. Invoking autogen |
| autogen usage | 5.1 autogen usage help (-?) |
| autogen-base-name | 5.5 base-name option (-b) |
| autogen-define | 5.20 define option (-D) |
| autogen-definitions | 5.6 definitions option |
| autogen-equate | 5.12 equate option |
| autogen-lib-template | 5.4 lib-template option (-l) |
| autogen-load-functions | 5.8 load-functions option (-F) |
| autogen-load-scheme | 5.7 load-scheme option (-S) |
| autogen-loop-limit | 5.14 loop-limit option |
| autogen-override-tpl | 5.3 override-tpl option (-T) |
| autogen-select-suffix | 5.10 select-suffix option (-o) |
| autogen-show-defs | 5.18 show-defs option |
| autogen-show-shell | 5.19 show-shell option |
| autogen-skip-suffix | 5.9 skip-suffix option (-s) |
| autogen-source-time | 5.11 source-time option |
| autogen-templ-dirs | 5.2 templ-dirs option (-L) |
| autogen-timeout | 5.15 timeout option (-t) |
| autogen-trace | 5.16 trace option |
| autogen-trace-out | 5.17 trace-out option |
| autogen-undefine | 5.21 undefine option (-U) |
| autogen-writable | 5.13 writable option |
| AutoInfo | 7.8 Automated Info Docs |
| AutoMan pages | 7.9 Automated Man Pages |
| automatic options | 7.3.6 Automatically Supported Options |
| autoopts | 7. Automated Option Processing |
| AutoOpts API | 7.4 Programmatic Interface |
| AutoXDR | 8.2 Combined RPC Marshalling |
B | | |
| before-guile-boot | 7.3.2 Generated main Procedures |
C | | |
| call-proc | Option Argument Handling |
| columns invocation | 8.4 Invoking columns |
| columns usage | 8.4.1 columns usage help (-?) |
| columns-by-columns | 8.4.13 by-columns option |
| columns-col-width | 8.4.4 col-width option (-w) |
| columns-columns | 8.4.3 columns option (-c) |
| columns-first-indent | 8.4.7 first-indent option |
| columns-format | 8.4.10 format option (-f) |
| columns-indent | 8.4.6 indent option (-I) |
| columns-input | 8.4.14 input option (-i) |
| columns-line-separation | 8.4.12 line-separation option |
| columns-separation | 8.4.11 separation option (-S) |
| columns-sort | 8.4.9 sort option (-s) |
| columns-spread | 8.4.5 spread option |
| columns-tab-width | 8.4.8 tab-width option |
| columns-width | 8.4.2 width option (-W) |
| comments | 2.7 Commenting Your Definitions |
| Common Option Attributes | Common Option Attributes |
| compound definitions | 2.2 Named Definitions |
| concat-string | 2.2.8 Concatenated Strings |
| conditional emit | 3.6.14 IF - Conditionally Emit a Template Block |
| conditional emit | 3.6.19 WHILE - Conditionally loop over a Template Block |
| config-header | 7.3.1 Program Description Attributes |
| configuring | 6.1 Configuring AutoGen |
| copyright | 7.3.3 Program Information Attributes |
D | | |
| default | Option Argument Specification |
| define directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| define macro | 3.6.4 DEFINE - Define a user AutoGen macro |
| Definition Index | 2.3 Assigning an Index to a Definition |
| definitions | 2.2 Named Definitions |
| definitions file | 2. AutoGen Definitions File |
| descrip | Required Attributes |
| design goals | 1.1 The Purpose of AutoGen |
| detail | 7.3.3 Program Information Attributes |
| directives | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| disable | Common Option Attributes |
| documentation | Special Option Handling |
| documentation attributes | 7.3.5 Man and Info doc Attributes |
| Dynamic Definition Text | 2.4 Dynamic Text |
E | | |
| elif directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| else directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| enable | Common Option Attributes |
| enabled | Common Option Attributes |
| endif directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| endshell directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| environrc | 7.3.1 Program Description Attributes |
| equivalence | Special Option Handling |
| error directive | 2.5 Controlling What Gets Processed |
| example, simple | 1.2 A Simple Example |
| explain | 7.3.3 Program Information Attributes |
| export | 7.3.1 Program Description Attributes |
| expression syntax | 3.3 Macro Expression Syntax |
| extract-code | Option Argument Handling |